Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's a tragic story...

but for some reason it's just not tragic enough.

I've had plans though. I've sort of changed those plans over the last few weeks/months/years though. This has left me with quite a sense of uncertainty.

I can't find the songs sad enough to bring me down. There are no words written that can bum me out. No film strip could bring me a tear.

I'm a happy guy right now. Things are not great. Things aren't even that good. But I'm happy in spite of it. I did just register for classes and got the exact schedule that I wanted, so that's a good thing. I'm in a relationship that makes me happy. I never thought I would be in one of those again, but all of a sudden... here it is. I'm having a falling out with one of my best friends and it's all because people (myself included; I'm not on a high horse here) can't talk to one another for some reason nor can they come to agreements; so that's a bad thing. But on the other hand, a friendship that seemed like it was going under has been salvaged.

Although I'm happy I realized I need to change a lot of things about my life. I think I'm moving in a positive direction in many ways, but there are a lot more things that can be done. I want to eat healthier, I want to minimize the amount of waste that I produce and increase the amount that I recycle, I want to bike even more than I do, even though I've cut down on how much I drive considerably, and lastly I want to do more to help people out.

I don't think this is all but my computer just made some updates and it wants me to restart.