Sunday, September 9, 2007

If you're reading this... please tell me

so I can put a link to your blogger. I don't know how secretive I've been about this one, and I don't know if I've even told anybody other than Jared.

I don't know how to start my project, so I'm taking a break from it. I really need to be more proactive rather than reactive. I am letting these cheesy, easy assignments get the best of me because I waited for no good reason. Not that this weekend hasn't been fun and action-filled. The grand canyon trip was nice. I was a tired-ass mofo, but we had a good crew and I got to wear a bandanna for a few hours.

The 80's party was pretty fun. Kim and Kara agreed that I had the best outfit, so I was pretty happy about that. Props to Jason on finding the perfect 80's shirt, with writing to prove it. Props to Steph for giving me a kick-ass Flock of Seagulls hairdo. Everybody loved it and it also played a big part in me having the best outfit. I feel pretty good after last night. I found out the person that I like likes me back the same amount. It's been a long time since that has happened for me. One person always likes the other incongruently. Also this weekend I noticed I throw around mathematics terms like crazy.

I have to get a shirt and tie to go with my suit. I bought a really nice watch that I am looking forward to wearing with it. It just feels nice, that watch. I don't know what it is. It's just a really fucking classy watch. I'm looking forward to a haircut, for sho. I'm just not used to hair being long on the sides, and it's quite difficult to do anything with it.

I forgot to mention, the reason I am wearing a suit is because I'm flying to Missouri for a friend's wedding. I don't like MO, but a lot of my friends are going to be there, so it is going to be a good time. Plus, I got a direct flight to KC, so no layovers!!! I hate layovers so much.

I thought that there was something else that I wanted to say, but I can't remember. I want to borrow cds from people so I can expand my musical horizons without having to spend a fortune. If you would like to work out some sort of arrangement so I can rip your cds, let me know. I'm mobile, so I can come to you.

That is all for now.


Jared Carter said...

80's were awesome. I was like, tiny.

Jason P. Woodbury said...

Dude, any cd of mine you can take without asking.

Just don't let Bob eat it.

Timothy J. Cason said...

Jay, I'm pretty sure you know that nobody can stop Bob once he decides he's going to eat a cd.

Jason P. Woodbury said...

But you could try and stop it. You could at least TRY.