Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm going to stay optimistic...

...because I really like blogger. I like it a lot, in fact. It's fun to be here, and I like the people.

I just wish there were a little bit more feedback... but as the title of this blog implies, I'm gonna stay optimistic.

I am like a roller coaster lately. It's really sad. I worry and I worry and then I find out that there was no reason to worry. I just keep assuming that Kara is going to not like me anymore... like out of the blue or something. It makes no sense at all... I just ... worry. But she made me feel a lot better last night. I don't know what it is, but when I get compliments from certain people, it's enough to give me such a boost that I never think I'll come down. But I know I will, because like I said before, I worry.

But it's exciting to be at a stage where I can say what I want and what's on my mind and I know it won't scare her away. Plus, I got invited to a thing with her mom. I figure anybody who's willing to show off the fact that she's with someone to her family, is at least willing to keep me around for a while.

Which makes me happy.

So last night was fantastic. HOF rocked the house. It was unbelievable the change that overcame the audience. I mean, you had to be there. It started off with just us, the usual crowd, up in front of the stage, and the littler group off to the side in the under-21 corral. We were the only ones to cheer for the first few songs, and everybody else sorta half-heartedly clapped. But by the end of their set, everybody in the place was clapping and applauding and cheering. Everyone seemed to really take to them quite nicely. I'm so happy for them. Jason seemed pretty nervous at first, but after a couple songs, it was right back to the HOF we all know and love. Overall a fantastic show... Strange Young Things were not bad, just not my style... and The Black Angels, I can understand why and what people like about them, but it just wasn't working for me. I think it sounded really good, but with the video and everything that they had going on, I just found myself staring at the movies and weird images and flashes of things going by and wishing I was on some sort of drug. Peyote or acid or shrooms or some other hallucinogen. I mean, it has been a pretty long while.

I like drinking beer. I like it a lot. I don't think that there's anything wrong with that. And I'm a little annoyed by people who do. Not a lot... just a little bit peeved.


Jared Carter said...

I hope your party went well.

Michael Burton said...

Yeah, you're right Tim...people who think drinking beer is wrong should burn in hell. I mean, imaging someone not wanting to drink toxic yeast piss for enjoyment. Add in the ability to make poor decisions and a propensity for falling down and I don’t understand why drinking beer hasn’t been made compulsory. And pay no heed to those crybaby teetotalers who constantly harangue the vices of beer for killing their loved ones or destroying their liver. Pay no heed at all, because as a beer drinker you are engaged in a noble endeavor to help empty beer cans and bottles…the same bottles and cans that will someday soon equal in mass and weight that of the entire planet Earth.

Timothy J. Cason said...

Amen to that, my brother...
